Tuesday, October 14, 2008


By: Shira Howerton

Entering the unknown
Not knowing which way to turn
Doubt creeps in
Left, right, each way makes me numb
Confident, yet foolhardy
I want it all
Steady those feet
One after the other
I reach up to push away distraction
Thrusting my self-worth down a beaten path
Am I going in the right direction-
No one can know but me
I want to run, but I walk
Too fast and amiss something may be
Almost there I can taste it
Success pushing through the tangled web

Copyright © 2008 www.shirahowerton.blogspot.com, Inc. All rights reserved.

Monday, October 13, 2008

3 Weeks To Go!!!

Obama! Obama! Obama! I know that shouting out one's political alliance isn't the quintessential thing to do, but with three weeks to go until the most important national election of my lifetime, I feel I am justified.

The polls keep fluctuating, the media's hodgepodge of information spins me around in a dizzied frenzy and SNL writers are typing up skits quicker then I can say, "Obama Mama." I don't want to go on a crazy Obama supporting rant, but I will say, do your research, know who the candidate you want in office is and what they stand for. You have a very powerful tool, the power to voice your opinion by voting.

You don't have to listen to me, but if the past eight years of republican hoopla are any indication of what another four some odd years of McCain would do in the White House, then stand up with me and say, "We want change!"