Friday, May 23, 2008

Things I Would Not Wish Upon My Worst Enemy...

Jory & I before my crazy skin ailments

Okay, so I don't have any enemies (that i know of), or worst enemies for that matter. There are people I don't care for, but having an enemy is just a bit drastic. That being said, I had poison oak this week and it was the single most painful skin ailment I have ever had. So painful in fact, that it prompted me to say that I would not wish it upon my worst enemy (a phrase I have never used before). I think I have extra sensitive skin, because it was a really bad break-out!

A little background for you, I went to Humboldt over the weekend, and in the lovely hot weather decided to wear shorts (something else I rarely do), well on this blissful weekend my short-wearing self got in contact with something that had poison oak oils on it. It flared up a day or two later and left me with searing pain on none other than the back of my thighs! It is such an uncomfortable and painful skin ailment! I would warn everyone not to come in contact with the plant or the oils, but I myself do not know how I am came in contact with them!

I'm just happy that it is healing and just in time for the weekend! This should be a fun 3 day weekend! I hope I'm able to have a few drinks, even though I'm still taking meds for my poison oak. Hmmm, I just won't over due it. It is a celebratory weekend though! I have three friends graduating from college, a bachelorette party to attend, and fun in the sun for memorial day!

Congrats to all my girls that are graduating! I am so so proud of you and I wish you much luck in all your endeavors!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

As a lot of you know, I am an avid volunteer. I like to make jokes about it (see picture above), but I really love doing it. With all the devastating things that have been happening in the world, volunteering locally is a great way to feel like you are doing something to help. A lot of people give money to causes, or donate items, and that is a great way to help out as well. Unfortunately, I don't have any money to give away, or items, but I do have time. Volunteering my time for charity walks/runs, events and in other ways helps me feel that I am making a difference, even if it is only in my own backyard.

With that being said, my big event I'm working on right now is for the American Diabetes Association. We're putting on a Walk/Run that will be in downtown San Jose in October. It is a wonderful event that raises money for research and a cure for diabetes. If you haven't already, please go to to sign-up. I will keep you posted on any more volunteer events coming up.

If you're interested in volunteering, contact me! I need volunteers, and I know tons of ways you can help, and I have a list of really great websites that have hundreds of volunteer opportunities all around the country. Volunteering is not for everyone, so if it is not for you, that's okay. Sometimes it is the right time in our life to do something, and other times it is not. When you're ready and willing to volunteer, just remember, there is a great need and a lot of appreciation for your help =D!

Friday, May 9, 2008

One Martini, Two Martini, Three Martini, Floor

I'm tired today. It is Friday, which is a glorious day...but 5 o'clock just couldn't come any sooner. All I want is a great big martini and then maybe another one. This weekend should be fun...tonight I'm doing drinks and a movie with friends, tomorrow I'm passing out 'save the date' cards at the human race in mountain view for the diabetes walk I help organize....& I'm going to a bridal first ever! Then mother's day bar-b-q/potluck on Sunday. Fun stuff...there will probably be a few more things thrown in the mix because there always is...we shall see though. Happy Friday to everyone...hope you have a fabulous weekend!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008


I had an Epiphany today, well it started last night with a phone call to my mom, and continued through today. Wikipedia (the oh-so reliable internet dictionary source...haha) defines an Epiphany as: a (feeling), the sudden realization or comprehension of the essence or meaning of something.

My sudden realization was that I needed to figure out what I really wanted to do with my life (career wise) and fast. My full comprehension came after speaking with my mother, who for about the umpteenth time preached to me the richesnous of becoming a teacher.

Well, every other time I've listened to this sermon I half block it out with my own thoughts, thinking to myself, I could never do that, and giving myself plenty of reasons why I wouldn't-and shouldn't be a teacher: Pay to low, benefits not there, dealing with kids on a daily basis, blah blah blah....but all the while I should have been thinking, I can be really good at this, this career, (yes I said it, career-that thing I've been looking for since graduation) can be a great avenue for me to go down. I'm not making a ton of money now, and I get by alright, and I do actually really like kids, and benefits aren't all that expensive to buy into (while you're young, I'm not totally ignorant to that since I do work with the aging population currently).

But I researched it a bit more (the internet's ability to make research super quick is totally underrated), and about 20 hours later, I've decided to take my CBEST. Now, this is just the first step mind you, but a good step. I think I now have to say what my mother has probably been waiting her whole life to hear, "Mom, you were right," and just in time for Mother's day, now isn't that just afternoon disney special.

Side Note:
Check out this video on UTUBE that my brother made, he made it all in one day with himself as the sole director, filmer, etc...very cool:

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

Googling - Have You Tried It?

I was googling myself today, and I found some interesting links from my past. I'm familiar with most of these things, but I had to pull my thoughts together for a few. It is always funny going down memory lane, and I was in a curious mood, so I thought, what the hey.

My family was portrayed in a Time Magazine issue back in the nineties. This link highlights the article and the clip about my family:'m%2520Just%2520Who%2520I%2520Am.pdf+shira+howerton&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=19&gl=us

This is a link to an article I wrote for the Ultimate Sports guide about the San Jose SaberCats:

I don't even remember writing was a letter to the editor back in the day...ahhh, I got into writing on the web at an early age:

This is to officially prove I graduated...woo-hoo! Haha...just in case i ever lose my diploma...or the school closes and I can't request transcripts...haha:

This was a race I did my sophomore year on the high school cross country team. It was a really rugged and hilly course and I lost a shoe (it came untied, and in a movie-like moment I through it over a fence into the crowd to a teammate), but I continued racing and placed in the top ten:

I was pretty proud of this race, it was the NCS Championship, and I placed first for my team, and ran a solid 7.2 mile for the 3.1 racing all went downhill after this year...(darn those shin splints)...but I'm still proud of the times I put up:

I was an intern for Mavin magazine back in high school...they don't have a pic of me, so I might send one in...I also co-wrote an article which isn't archived, but I will see if I can upload a copy of it:

If I find more I'll upload it...I know I've been involved in tons of stuff during my (almost) 24 years on this earth...hmmmm....I wonder what will I be involved with next? =D

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Thrifty Girl Tips for Summer Fun

Summer is fast approaching, bringing to mind whimsical thoughts of sunning on the beach, roller coasters and cotton candy, and road trips to far off destinations. With the economy the way it is, it puts a hold on some of the adventures and quests that one might take, but it doesn't have to be a complete summer let-down.

Being conscious of your spending habits will help get you through this summer on a high note. While it is easy to sign up for every activity that summer has to offer, it is also smart in this economy to be as thrifty as possible. The idea is to be thrifty, but also have fun. If friends want to go on a road trip, make sure to pack non-perishable snacks for the car and plenty of water. This way, when everyone gets hungry, you can snack and keep going vs. stopping for fast food and spending money that can be used for other parts of your trip. Also, make sure to use the most economical car to help shave off gas costs.

If you're like me, carry-all stores such as Target and Wal-Mart are your downfall. Try to avoid them as much as possible. For example, if you need toothpaste or sunblock, try picking these items up when you go grocery shopping, instead of making an extra trip to a carry-all store. This way, you won't temp yourself to get things you don't need.

Summer is also a big bar-b-q/get together/party time. In an effort to avoid overdoing it, try to always have potluck style gatherings, allowing everyone to only spend within their means. When it comes to decorating, remember, less is more, and even if it's not, your family and friends are there to spend time with you, not your flower arrangements.